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Tuition & Fees

Tuition Rates

Summer 2024


Payments are due on the 1st and 15th of each month. Pre-payment is required. An email will be sent with an invoice approximately five business days prior to the deadline. Fees are due whether or not you receive your invoice. There is a processing fee charged for all online payments. 

Make Online Payments

Auto Pay

Quick and Easy! Sign up for auto payment online through your account. Credit cards run on the 1st and 15th of every month. There is a processing fee charged for all online payments. 

auto pay icon

Other Fees:

  • Registration Fee: A non-refundable $45 registration fee is charged per family per season. This fee is charged when registration is accepted. 
  • Late Payment Fee: A $20 late payment fee is charged each time when payments are not made by the due date. 
  • Finder Fee: If your child does not arrive after school and a staff person has to locate your child, a $5.00 finder fee is charged. 
  • Late Pick-Up Fee: We close at 6:00 pm. A late fee will be charged based on when you signed out your child. The fee is 6:00-6:10 pm (or portion thereof) a $5.00 late fee. After 6:10 pm the charge will be an additional $1.00 per minute.